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Peer-Reviewed Publications

Brooks, E.B., Wynne, R.H., and V.A. Thomas (2018). Using window regression to gap-fill landsat ETM+ post SLC-off data. Remote Sensing, 10, 1502; doi:10.3390/rs10101502.

Saxena, R., L.T. Watson, R.H.Wynne, E.E. Brooks, V.A. Thomas, Y. Zhigiang, R.E. Kennedy, 2018 (accepted). Towards a polyalgorithm for land use change detection. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.

Thomas, R., A. Jersild, E. Brooks, V. Thomas, Valerie, R. Wynne, 2018. A mid-century ecological forecast with partitioned uncertainty predicts increases in loblolly pine forest productivity. Ecological Applications. Published on-line July 12, 2018., 18 pp.

Chance, E.W., K.M. Cobourn, and V.A. Thomas. 2018.  Trend detection for the extent of irrigated agriculture in Idaho’s Snake River Plain, 1984-2016. Remote Sensing, 10, 145, doi:10.3390/rs10010145

Burkhart, H.E., E.B. Brooks, H.Dion-Aldridge, C.O. Sabatia, N. Gyawali, R.H. Wynne, and V.A. Thomas, 2018. Regional simulations of Loblolly pine productivity with CO2 enrichment and changing climate scenarios. Forest Science, 64(4): 349-357.

Gopalakrishnan, R., V.A. Thomas, R.H. Wynne, J.W. Coulston, and T.R. Fox, 2018. Shrub Detection using Disparate Airborne Laser Scanning Acquisitions over varied Forest Cover Types. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 39(4): 1220-1242.

Brooks, E.B., Z. Yang, V.A. Thomas, and R.H. Wynne, 2017. Dynamic Signaling of Changes to Forests Using Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Charts. Forests. 8 (304) doi:10.3390/f8090304

Chance, E., K. Cobourn, V. Thomas, B. Dawson, and A. Flores, 2017. Identifying Irrigated Areas in the Snake River Plain, Idaho: Evaluating Performance across Compositing Algorithms, Spectral Indices, and Sensors. Remote Sensing. 9:546.

Cooper, B.E., Dymond, R.L. and Shao, Y., 2017. Impervious Comparison of NLCD versus a Detailed Dataset Over Time. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 83(6), pp.429-437.

Hwang, W.H., E. Wiseman, and V.A. Thomas.  2017. Enhancing the energy conservation benefits of shade trees in dense residential developments using an alternative tree placement strategy.  Landscape and Urban Planning, 158: 62-74.

Jin, X., Shao, Y., Zhang, Z., Resler, L.M., Campbell, J.B., Chen, G. and Zhou, Y., 2017. The evaluation of land consolidation policy in improving agricultural productivity in China. Scientific Reports, 7.

Oliphant, A. J., R.H. Wynne, C.E. Zipper, W.M. Ford, P.F. Donovan, and J. Li, 2017. Autumn olive (Elaeagnus umbellata) presence and proliferation on former surface coal mines in Eastern USA. Biological Invasions, 19(1), 1–17.

Parece T. E., and J. B. Campbell.  2017. Assessing Urban Community Gardens’ Impact on Net Primary Production using NDVI. Urban Agriculture & Regional Food Systems. Vol. 2. doi: 10.2134/urbanag2016.07.0004 17 p.

Parece T. E., E. Serrano, and J. B. Campbell. 2017. Strategically Sitting Urban Agriculture: A Socioeconomic Analysis of Roanoke, Virginia. Professional Geographer. Vol. 69, issue 1, pp. 45-58.

Parece, T. E., and J. B. Campbell. 2017. Geospatial evaluation for urban agriculture land inventory: Roanoke, Virginia USA. International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research, vol. 8, issue 1. pp. 43-63. doi: 10.4018/IJAGR.2017010103.

Thomas, R.Q., E.B. Brooks, A. Jersild, E. Ward, R.H. Wynne, T.J. Albaugh, H. Dinon Aldridge, H.E. Burkhart, J.-C. Domec, T.R. Fox, C.A. Gonzalez-Benecke, T.A. Martin, A. Noormets, D.A. Sampson, and R.O. Teskey, 2017. Leveraging 35 years of forest research in the southeastern U.S. to constrain carbon cycle predictions: regional data assimilation using ecosystem experiment. Biogeosciences

Tran, H.T., Campbell, J.B., Tran, T.D. and Tran, H.T., 2017. Monitoring drought vulnerability using multispectral indices observed from sequential remote sensing (Case Study: Tuy Phong, Binh Thuan, Vietnam). GIScience & Remote Sensing, 54(2), pp.167-184.

Yang, Y. M.C. Anderson, F. Gao, C.R. Hain, K.A. Semmens, W.P. Kustas, A. Noormets, R.H. Wynne, V.A. Thomas and G. Sun, 2017. Daily Landsat-scale evapotranspiration estimation over a forested landscape in North Carolina, USA, using multi-satellite data fusion. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 21:1017-1037.

Brooks, E.B, J.W. Coulston, R.H. Wynne, and V.A. Thomas, 2016. Improving the precision of dynamic forest parameter estimates using Landsat. Remote Sensing of Environment, 179:162-169.

Bracco, A.B, M.C. Long, N.M. Levine, R.Q. Thomas, C. Deutsch, and G.A. McKinely. 2016. The NCAR Advanced Study Program Summer Colloquium on Carbon-climate connections in the Earth system: Capacity Building in cross-disciplinary research. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 96, 1381–1384

Burd, A.B., S. Frey, A. Cabre, T. Ito, N.M. Levine, C. Lønborg, M. Long, M. Mauritz, R.Q. Thomas, B. Stevens, T. Vanwallenghem, and N. Zeng. 2016. Terrestrial and Marine Perspectives on Modeling Organic Matter Degradation Pathways and Controls. Global Change Biology 22: 121-136.

Chen, G., Glasmeier, A.K., Zhang, M. and Shao, Y., 2016. Urbanization and Income Inequality in Post-Reform China: A Causal Analysis Based on Time Series Data. PloS one, 11(7), p.e0158826.

Cooner, A.J., Shao, Y. and Campbell, J.B., 2016. Detection of urban damage using remote sensing and machine learning algorithms: Revisiting the 2010 Haiti earthquake. Remote Sensing, 8(10), p.868.

Coulston, J., C. Blinn, V.A. Thomas, and R.H. Wynne, 2016. Approximating prediction uncertainty for random forest models. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 82(3): 189-197.

Hurtt, G.C., R.Q. Thomas, J. Fisk, R. Dubayah, and S. Sheldon. 2016. The Impact of Fine-scale Disturbances on the Predictability of Vegetation Dynamics and Carbon Flux. PLOS ONE 11: e0152883.

Hwang, W.H., E. Wiseman, and V.A. Thomas.  2016 (in press). Enhancing the energy conservation benefits of shade trees in dense residential developments using an alternative tree placement strategy.  Landscape and Urban Planning. Accepted Sept. 26, 2016.

Hwang, W.H., E. Wiseman, and V.A. Thomas, 2016. Simulation of shade tree effects on residential energy consumption for four U.S. cities. Cities and the Environment, 9(1).

Schott, J., A. Gerace, C.E. Woodcock, S. Wang, Z. Zhu, R.H. Wynne and C.E. Blinn, in press. The impact of improved signal to noise ratios on algorithm performance: Case studies for Landsat class instruments. Remote Sensing of Environment.

Parece, T.E., Lie, J., Campbell, J.B. & Carroll, D. 2016. Assessing urban landscape variables contribution to microclimates. Advances in Meteorology. DOI:10.1155/2016/8736263. 44.

Parece, T.E., Campbell, J. B. & Serrano, E.L. 2016. Strategically siting urban agriculture: A socio-economic analysis of Roanoke, Virginia. The Professional Geographer. Vol. 69.  Issue 1.

Ren, J., Campbell, J.B. and Shao, Y., 2017. Estimation of SOS and EOS for Midwestern US Corn and Soybean Crops. Remote Sensing, 9(7), p.722.

Shao, Y., Ross S. Lunetta, Brandon Wheeler, John S. Iiames and James B. Campbell. 2016. An evaluation of time-series smoothing algorithms for land-cover classifications using MODISNDVI multi-temporal data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 174, pages 258-265.

Shao, Y., Taff, G.N., Ren, J. and Campbell, J.B., 2016. Characterizing major agricultural land change trends in the Western Corn Belt. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 122, pp.116-125.

Sumnall, M., A. Peduzzi, T.R. Fox, R.H. Wynne, and V.A. Thomas, 2016. Analysis of lidar voxel-derived vertical profile at the plot and individual tree scales for the estimation of forest canopy layer characteristics. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 37 (11): 2653-2681.

Sumnall, M.J., A. Peduzzi, T.R. Fox, R.H. Wynne, V.A. Thomas, and B. Cook, 2016. Assessing the transferability of statistical predictive models for leaf area index between two airborne discrete return LiDAR sensor designs within multiple intensely managed Loblolly pine forest locations in the south-eastern USA. Remote Sensing of Environment 176: 308-319.

Sumnall, M., T.R. Fox, R.H. Wynne, C. Blinn, and V.A. Thomas, 2016. Estimating leaf area index at multiple heights within the understory component of Loblolly pine forests from airborne discrete-return lidar. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 37:78-99.

Gokkaya, K., V.A. Thomas, T. Noland, J.H. McCaughey, P.M. Treitz, I. Morrison, 2015. Prediction of Macronutrients at the Canopy Level Using Spaceborne Imaging Spectroscopy and Lidar Data in a Mixedwood Boreal Forest. Remote Sensing, 7(7): 9045-9069.

Gopalakrishnan, R., V.A. Thomas, J. Coulston, and R.H. Wynne. 2015. Efficacy of using heterogeneous lidar datasets in predicting canopy heights over a large region. Remote Sensing, 7: 11036-11060.

Hwang, W.H., P.E. Wiseman, and V.A. Thomas, 2015. Tree Planting Configuration Influences Shade on Residential Structures in Four U.S. Cities, in press with Arboriculture & Urban Forestry.  41(4): 208-222.

McGee, J. and Cambell, J. (2015). Working with Projections and Coordinate Systems: A Field-based Exploratory Exercise. This tutorial was developed by VirginiaView in partnership with the Virginia Geospatial Extension Program, GeoTEd, and Virginia Cooperative Extension.

Parece, T.E. and Campbell, J. B. 2015. Identifying Urban Watershed Boundaries and Area, Fairfax County, Virginia. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 81(5):365-372. 45.

Parece, T. E., McGee, J, Campbell, J.B., and Wynne, R.H. 2015. Virginia’s Efforts to Expand Learning Geospatial Technologies across the Educational Spectrum. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 81(3):173-181.

Shao, Y., G. Li, E. Guenther, and J. B. Campbell. 2015. Evaluation of Topographic Correction on Subpixel Impervious Cover Mapping with CBERS-2B Data. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. Vol. 12, issue 8, pp. 1675-1679. DOI: 10.1109/LGRS.2015.2419135.

Subedi, S., T.R. Fox, and R.H. Wynne. 2015. Determination of Fertility Rating (FR) in the 3-PG Model for Loblolly Pine Plantations in the Southeastern United States Based on Site Index. Forests, 6(9):3002-3027. DOI: 10.3390/f6093002.

Walker, J.J., K. de Beurs, and R.H. Wynne. 2015. Phenological response of an Arizona dryland forest to short-term climatic extremes. Remote Sensing, 7(8):10832-10855. DOI: 10.3390/rs70810832.

Yu, L. S.Ball, C. Blinn, K. Moeltner, S. Peery, V. Thomas, and R. Wynne, 2015. Cloud-Sourcing: Using an online labor force to detect clouds and cloud shadows in Landsat images.  Remote Sensing, 7: 2334-2351.

Brooks, E.B., R.H. Wynne, V.A. Thomas, C.E. Blinn, and J.W. Coulston, 2014. On-the-fly massively multitemporal change detection using statistical quality control charts and Landsat data. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 52(6): 3316-3332.

Huang, W., W. Norman, J. Hallo, N. McGhee, J. McGee, and C. Goetcheus, 2014. Serendipity and independent travel. Tourism Recreation Research. 39(2).

Oliphant, A. J., J. Li, R. H. Wynne, P. F. Donovan, and C. E. Zipper, 2014. Identifying woody vegetation on coal surface mines using phenological indicators with multitemporal Landsat imagery. ISPRS-International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 1, 339-345.

Oliver, R. and V. Thomas, 2014. Micropolitan land conversion to development in Appalachia and the Black Belt. Southeastern Geographer, 54(4): 366-383.

Oliver, R. and V. Thomas, 2014. Micropolitan areas: Exploring the linkages between demography and land-cover change in the United States.  Cities, 38: 84-94.

Phillips, R. D., L. T. Watson, D. R. Eastering, R. H. Wynne. 2014. An SMP soft classification algorithm for remote sensing. Computers & Geosciences, 68: 73-80. DOI: 10.1016/j.cageo.2014.03.010.

Phillips, R. D., L. T. Watson, R. H. Wynne, and N. Ramakrishnan. 2014. Continuous iterative guided spectral class rejection classification algorithm for hyperspectral data.  Contemporary Engrg. Sci., 7:299-314.

Phillips, R. D., M. S. Hossain, L. T. Watson, R. H. Wynne, and N. Ramakrishnan. 2014. Enrichment procedures for soft clusters: a statistical test and its applications.  Computer Modeling Engrg. Sci., 97:175-197.

Phillips, R. D., L. T. Watson, D. R. Easterling, and R. H. Wynne. 2014. An SMP soft classification algorithm for remote sensing.  Comput. & Geosciences. 68: 73-80.

Stein, B., V.A. Thomas, L.J. Lorentz, and B.D. Strahm, 2014. Predicting macronutrient concentrations from loblolly pine leaf reflectance across local and regional scales, GIScience & Remote Sensing, 51:3, 269-287.

Wang, H., Shao, Y., and L. M. Kennedy. 2014. Temporal generalization of sub-pixel vegetation mapping with multiple machine learning and atmospheric correction algorithms. International Journal of Remote Sensing 35.20: 7118-7135.

Wu, Y-J., V. Thomas,  and R.D. Oliver. 2014. Forest change dynamics across levels of urbanization in the eastern United States. Southeastern Geographer 54(4): 406-420.

Thomas, V., J.H. McCaughey, P. Treitz, D.A. Finch, T. Noland, and L. Rich, 2009. Spatial modelling of photosynthesis for a boreal mixedwood forest by integrating micrometeorological, lidar and hyperspectral remote sensing data.  Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 149: 639-654.

Browder, J.O., M.A. Pedlowski, R. Walker, R.H. Wynne, P.M. Summers, A. Abad, N. Becerra-Cordoba, and J. Mil-Homens, 2008. Revisiting theories of frontier expansion in the Brazilian Amazon: A survey of the colonist farming population in Rondônia's post-frontier, 1992-2002. World Development 36(8):1469-1492.

Brown, M.E., and K.M. de Beurs, 2008. Evaluation of multi-sensor semi-arid crop season parameters based on NDVI and rainfall. Remote Sensing of Environment 112(5): 2261-2271.

de Beurs, K.M., and P.A. Townsend, 2008. Estimating the effect of gypsy moth defoliation using MODIS. Remote Sensing of Environment 112:3983-3990; doi: 10.1016/j.rse.2008.07.008.

de Beurs, K.M., and G.M. Henebry, 2008. Northern annular mode effects on the land surface phenologies of northern Eurasia. Journal of Climate 21:4257-4279.

de Beurs, K.M., and G.M. Henebry, 2008. War, drought and phenology: Changes in land surface phenology in Afghanistan since 1982. Journal of Land Use Science 3(2-3):95-111.

Rotz, J.D., A.O. Abaye, R.H. Wynne, E.B. Rayburn, G. Scaglia , and R.D. Phillips, 2008. Assessment of terrestrial remote sensing as a viable means to measure productive ground cover. Rangeland Ecology and Management 61(2):245-248.

Sampson, D. A., R. H. Wynne, and J. R. Seiler, 2008. Edaphic and climatic effects on forest stand development, net primary production, and net ecosystem productivity simulated for Coastal Plain loblolly pine in Virginia. Journal of Geophysical Research 113, G01003, doi:10.1029/2006JG000270.

Van Aardt, J.A.N., R.H. Wynne, and J.A. Scrivani, 2008. Lidar-based mapping of forest volume and biomass by taxonomic group using structurally homogeneous segments. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 74(8):1033-1044.

Thomas, V., R. Oliver, K. Lim, and M. Woods, 2008. Lidar and Weibull modeling of diameters and basal area distributions. The Forestry Chronicle, 84(6):1-10.

Thomas, V., P. Treitz, J.H. McCaughey, T. Noland, and L. Rich, 2008. Canopy chlorophyll concentration estimation using hyperspectral and lidar data for a boreal mixedwood forest in northern Ontario, Canada. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 29(4): 1029-1052.

Townsend, P.A., D.P. Helmers, B.E. McNeil, K.M. de Beurs, and K.N. Eshleman, 2008. Changes in the extent of surface mining and reclamation in the Central Appalachians: 1976-2006. Remote Sensing of Environment 113:62-72, doi:10.1016/j.rse.2008.08.012.

Budreski, K.A., R.H. Wynne, J.O. Browder, and J.B. Campbell, 2007. Comparison of segment and pixel-based non-parametric land cover classification in the Brazilian Amazon using multitemporal Landsat TM/ETM+ imagery. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 73(7):813-827

Phillips, R.D., L.T. Watson, and R.H. Wynne, 2007. Hybrid image classification and parameter selection using a shared memory parallel algorithm. Computers and Geosciences 33:875-897.

Van Aardt, J.A.N., and R.H. Wynne, 2007. Examining pine spectral separability using hyperspectral data from an airborne sensor: an extension of field-based results. International Journal of Remote Sensing 28:431-436.

Wynne, R.H., K.A. Joseph, J.O. Browder, and P.E. Summers, 2007. Comparing farmer-based and satellite-derived deforestation estimates in the Amazon basin using a hybrid classifier. International Journal of Remote Sensing 28(6):1299-1315.

Musy, R.F., R.H. Wynne, C.E. Blinn, J.A. Scrivani, and R.E. McRoberts, 2006. Automated forest area estimation via iterative guided spectral class rejection. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 72:949-960.

Van Aardt, J.A.N., R.H. Wynne, and R.G. Oderwald, 2006. Forest volume and biomass estimation using small-footprint lidar-distributional parameters on a per-segment basis. Forest Science 52:636-649.

Wynne, R.H., 2006. Lidar remote sensing of forest resources at the scale of management. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 72(12):1310-1314.

Bortolot, Z.J., and R.H. Wynne, 2005. Determining forest biomass in small footprint LIDAR scenes: an individual tree-based approach that incorporates training data. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing 59:342– 360.

Browder, J.O, R.H. Wynne, and M.A. Pedlowski, 2005. Agroforestry diffusion and secondary forest regeneration in the Brazilian Amazon: Further findings from the Rondonia Agroforestry Pilot Project (1992-2002). Agroforestry Systems 65:99-111.

Popescu, S.C., and R.H. Wynne, 2004. Seeing the trees in the forest: Using lidar and multispectral data fusion with local filtering and variable window size for estimating tree height. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 70(5):589-604.

Popescu, S.C., R.H. Wynne, and J.A. Scrivani, 2004. Fusion of small-footprint lidar and multispectral data to estimate plot-level volume and biomass in deciduous and pine forests in Virginia, USA. Forest Science 50(4):551-565.

Winn, M.F., R.H. Wynne, P.A. Araman, and J.E. Baumgras, 2004. ALOG: A Spreadsheet-Based Program for Generating Artificial Logs. Forest Products Journal 54(1):62-66.

Bortolot, Z.J., and R.H. Wynne, 2003. A means of spectroscopically determining the nitrogen content of green tree leaves measured at the canopy level that requires no in situ nitrogen data. International Journal of Remote Sensing 24(3):619-624.

Popescu, S.C., R.H. Wynne, and R.F. Nelson, 2003. Measuring individual tree crown diameter with lidar and assessing its influence on estimating forest volume and biomass. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 29(5):564-577.

Popescu, S.C., R.H. Wynne, and R.F. Nelson, 2002. Estimating plot-level tree heights with lidar: Local filtering with a canopy-height based variable window size. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 37:71-95.

Van Aardt, J.A.N., and R.H. Wynne, 2001. Spectral separability among six southern tree species. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 67(12):1367-1375.

Wayman, J.P., R.H. Wynne, J.A. Scrivani, and G.A. Reams, 2001. Landsat TM-based forest area estimation using Iterative Guided Spectral Class Rejection. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 67:1155-1166.

Clark, N., R.H. Wynne, D.L. Schmoldt, and M. Winn, 2000. An assessment of the utility of a non-metric digital camera for measuring standing trees. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 28:151-169.

Clark, N., R.H. Wynne, and D.L. Schmoldt, 2000. A review of past research on dendrometers. Forest Science 46(4):570-576.

Magnuson, J.J., D.M. Robertson, B.J. Benson, R.H. Wynne, D.M. Livingstone, T. Arai, R.A. Assel, R.G. Barry, V. Card, E. Kuusisto, N.G. Granin, T.D. Prowse, K.M. Stewart, and V.S. Vuglinski, 2000. Historical trends in lake and river ice cover in the Northern Hemisphere. Science 289:1743-1746.

Oderwald, R.G., and R.H. Wynne, 2000. Field applications for statistical data and techniques. Journal of Forestry 98(6):58-60.

Wynne, R.H., R.G. Oderwald, G.A. Reams, and J.A. Scrivani, 2000. Optical remote sensing for forest area estimation. Journal of Forestry 98(5):31-36.

Walsh, S.E., S.J. Vavrus, V.A. Fisher, R.H. Wynne, and J.D. Lenters, 1998. Global patterns of lake ice phenology and climate: Model simulations and observations. Journal of Geophysical Research (Atmospheres) 103:28825-28837.

Wynne, R.H., T.M. Lillesand, M.K. Clayton, and J.J. Magnuson, 1998. Satellite monitoring of lake ice breakup on the Laurentian Shield (1980-1994). Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 64(6):607-616.

Zacharias S., C.D. Heatwole, and J.B. Campbell, 1997. Spatial trends in the texture, moisture content, and pH of a Virginia coastal plain soil. Transactions of the ASAE 40(5):1277-1284

Wynne, R.H., and D.B. Carter, 1997. Will remote sensing live up to its promise for forest management? Journal of Forestry 95(10):23-26.

Vavrus, S.J., R.H. Wynne, and J.A. Foley, 1996. The sensitivity of southern Wisconsin lake ice to climate variations and lake depth using a numerical model. Limnology and Oceanography 41(5):822-831.

Wynne, R.H., J.J. Magnuson, M.K. Clayton, T.M. Lillesand, and D.C. Rodman, 1996. Determinants of temporal coherence in the satellite-derived 1987-1994 ice thaw dates of lakes on the Laurentian Shield. Limnology and Oceanography 41(5):832-838.